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Minister for Health announces publication of the Strategic Review of Medical Training and Career Structure Interim Report

HSE to set out implementation plan in January 2014

The Minister for Health, James Reilly TD, today (Friday 20 December 2013) announced the publication of the Strategic Review of Medical Training and Career Structure interim report.

In July 2013, Minister Reilly announced the establishment of a Working Group, chaired by Professor Brian MacCraith, President of Dublin City University, to carry out a Strategic Review of training and career pathways for doctors with the following Terms of Reference:

· To improve graduate retention in the public health system;

· To plan for future service needs;

· To realise maximum benefit from investment in medical education and training

He requested that the Group submit an interim report at the end of November 2013 and a final report by end June 2014. The Group began its deliberations in September 2013.

Minister Reilly said “I look forward to receiving the final report. I want a public health system that values the contribution and commitment of trainee doctors. Young people who are considering a career in medicine should feel confident that, while achieving the necessary qualifications may be challenging, a medical career in Ireland is fulfilling, rewarding and satisfying.”

Noting the Group’s interim recommendations and suggested target dates for implementation, Minister Reilly said “I am now asking the HSE System Reform Group, as the driver for the overall reform programme for the health service, to identify a Lead Manager for each recommendation and to submit an implementation plan with confirmed timelines by mid-January 2014, so that trainee doctors can see tangible improvements in their day-to-day working lives”.

He also expressed his appreciation to Professor MacCraith and the members of the Group, for their time, expertise and commitment over the past four months.

Wishing the Group well with Stage Two of the Strategic Review, Minister Reilly noted that this phase of the work will include examining international career models for doctors, and workforce planning requirements.

Download the report at

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Notes for Editors

The membership of the Working Group is:

· Prof. Brian MacCraith, President, DCU (Chair);

· Ms Oonagh Buckley, Assistant Secretary, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform;

· Mr Leo Kearns, National Lead for Transformation and Change, System Reform Group, HSE;

· Prof. Eilis McGovern, National Programme Director for Medical Education, Medical Education and Training Unit, HSE;

· Ms Frances Spillane, Assistant Secretary, Department of Health;

· Dr Barry White, Consultant Haematologist, St James’s Hospital.

The full terms of reference for the Strategic Review can be downloaded here.

The Working Group is currently preparing a detailed project plan for Stage Two of its work. This will include plans and structures for Stage Two consultation and engagement with key stakeholders.