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Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence announces recognition of additional foreign registered relationships under the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter, T.D., has made an Order under the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 prescribing certain registered relationships entered into by same sex couples in other jurisdictions as entitled to be treated as equivalent to civil partnership under Irish law. The registered relationships now being afforded recognition are:

Ø        Civil Partnerships from the Isle of Man,

Ø        Civil Partnerships from South Africa,

Ø        Civil Unions from Illinois, USA,

Ø        Marriages from New York, USA,

Ø        Domestic Partnerships from Oregon, USA, and

Ø        Civil Unions from Rhode Island, USA.

The Order will come into effect on 25 December 2011.

Irish-based couples in any of these relationships will, from that date, be subject to the same legal regime and the same rights and obligations as a couple who register a civil partnership in Ireland. This includes rights and obligations in relation to shared property, pensions, inheritance and on break-up of the relationship. Civil partners are also treated in the same way as spouses under the tax, social welfare and domestic violence codes.

The making of this order brings the number of categories of recognised registered relationships to 39, from 32 jurisdictions.

Announcing the making of the order, the Minister said “This Order shows the Government’s commitment to ensuring that same-sex couples who register their relationships in other jurisdictions may enjoy the full protections and benefits of the civil partnership legislation. Reform of the law in this area in other countries is ongoing, and we are ensuring that registered partners will enjoy recognition and protection of the law on return or relocation to Ireland.”

Note to Editors

An initial order under section 5 of the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 was made on 23 December 2010. The relationships recognised under that order and the new order made on 4 December 2011 are listed below (newly recognised relationships are marked with an asterisk): Jurisdiction Title of Relationship

Argentina  Marriage

Austria  Eingetragene Partnerschaft-Gesetz

Belgium  Marriage

Canada  Marriage

Czech Republic  Registrované partnerství

Denmark  Registreret partnerskab

Finland  Rekisteröity parisuhde

Germany  Eingetragene lebenspartnerschaft

Iceland  (a) Staðfest samvist

(b) Marriage

Isle of Man  Civil Partnership*

Mexico City  Marriage

Netherlands  Marriage

New Zealand  Civil Union

Norway  (a) Registrert partnerskap (b) Marriage

Portugal  Marriage

South Africa  (a)        Marriage (b)        Civil Partnership*

Spain  Marriage

Sweden  (a) Registrerat partnerskap (b) Marriage

Switzerland  Eingetragene Partnerschaft / Partenariat enregistré

United Kingdom  Civil Partnership

California (United States of America)  Marriage

Connecticut (United States of America)  (a) Civil Union

 (b) Marriage

Illinois (United States of America)  Civil Union*

Iowa (United States of America)  Marriage

Massachusetts (United States of America)  Marriage

New Hampshire (United States of America)  (a) Civil Union

 (b) Marriage

New Jersey (United States of America)  Civil Union

New York (United States of America)  Marriage*

Oregon (United States of America)  Domestic Partnership*

Rhode Island (United States of America)  Civil Union*

Vermont (United States of America)  (a) Civil Union

 (b) Marriage

Washington D.C. (United States of America)  Marriage