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Minister for Small Business Launches Print Industry’s Review of its own Performance

Report provides the Print & Packaging industry a road map for the way ahead

Minister for Small Business, John Perry T.D., today [Wednesday] launched ‘A Report on the Print Industry’s Review of its own Performance’, published today by the Print and Packaging Industry Forum.

Speaking at the launch, Minister Perry said: "The publication of this Report provides the Print and Packaging industry a road map for the way ahead. I would like to acknowledge and commend the many achievements and initiatives of the Print and Packaging Forum, including the development of a broad range of training and education initiatives, from apprenticeships to programmes pitched at Masters Level.

"The development of the ‘Print Irish’ brand identity by the Forum, to demonstrate the quality and capabilities of our indigenous Irish printing industry, is another encouraging development. This is exactly the kind of initiative that we in Government like to work with and I would like to assure you that we will provide any assistance we can.

"Unprecedented challenges were created for Irish companies by the domestic and international economic crises. In spite of these challenges the Print and Packaging industry still employs over 10,000 people. This is most encouraging because Government does not create jobs – that is the role of enterprise. Government has a crucial role in facilitating the type of environment where enterprise can grow and create the jobs that are so badly needed in Ireland today. Our Programme for Government focuses strongly on enabling growth in the domestic economy, while continuing to maintain a strategic focus on exports and investment.

"Whether the goal is to expand into new markets, innovate and produce new products, increase market share or harness the potential of new technologies, each individual company, large or small, has its role to play in Ireland’s economic recovery. It is by succeeding in these aspirations that we will achieve increased employment and strengthen our businesses and industries."

Speaking on the close association the Forum has developed with Enterprise Ireland Minister Perry said: "I was pleased to learn that over 200 of your member companies, with an export focus and competitive niche offering, are currently clients of Enterprise Ireland. I am strongly of the view that this relationship will continue to be of great benefit to those companies trying to re-focus to face the disruptive change and market challenges facing your industry."