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Minister Hayes Hands Over Beaufort & Ballinskelligs former Garda Stations to Local Communities

Mr. Brian Hayes, TD, Minister of State with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works (OPW) today (24 July 2013) officially handed over the keys of the former Garda Stations in Beaufort and Ballinskelligs for community use.

The Minister said, “It is my pleasure to hand over the keys of these former Garda Stations to the local community groups – Coiste Forbartha na Sceilige and the Beaufort Community Council. Back in March of this year, I announced my intention that community groups could submit expressions of interest on how, in the event that no other State use or sale is feasible, their local group might utilise these assets. Last week, I was delighted to hand over the keys of the former station in Dromahair to the local community; today I am happy to do the same for the local community groups here in Beaufort and Ballinskelligs. This is a proud moment for all concerned and I applaud the enterprising spirit and sense of community generosity.”

The Minister concluded, “The proposed uses for these two former stations are myriad and cover every area of community life, from youth activities to care of the elderly. I wish the participants luck and success with their very worthy ventures.”


Note to editors:


Ballingskelligs has a population of around 700 spread across an isolated rural area and is at least 50 miles from the nearest town.

Coiste Forbartha na Sceilge is a community development organisation with charitable status and receives funding from the HSE to provide health services to the local population. These services include:

o care for the elderly,

o meals on wheels,

o laundry services,

o chiropody,

o hairdresser and social activities.

Ballinskelligs also has a significant arts centre – the Cill Rialaig Arts Centre - used by visiting artists and those who have taken up residence in the area. As a tourist destination, tourist based activities are a vital source of economic development in the area. The OPW is currently involved in restoring the remains of the Abbey located there.


Beaufort parish is situated approximately 10 minutes drive from Killarney and has a population of around 2000, with a significant influx of tourists during the summer months. Beaufort is located just off the ‘Ring of Kerry’ road and, as such, is in the heart of the Killarney tourist area.

The station was decommissioned in 2012 and Beaufort Community Council has applied to the OPW for a licence to use it for a range of community purposes.

Beaufort Community Council is established as a registered charity for funding purposes. It has received rural development grants through the South Kerry Partnership for once-off LEADER funding projects.


Garda Station Closures

Closure of Garda Stations is a policing matter and for the Minister of Justice/An Garda Síochána.

139 closures were announced over two policing plans i.e. 39 in December 2011 and 100 in December 2012.

Minister Hayes has announced an OPW disposal policy, briefly as follows:

Option 1) Other State Use;

Option 2) Sale on open market;

Option 3) Consideration if options 1 and 2 not suitable (for whatever reason) given to applications from Community/Voluntary Groups.

Types of Community/Voluntary Groups:

Various voluntary/community/sporting groups have expressed an interest in acquiring usage. Examples of usage are community meeting point, amateur dramatics, parents' associations, festival committees, sporting groups (space for team meetings rather than training), location for presentation of prizes following events, scouts, dancing groups, active retirement facilities and meeting point, card games, training courses or children's parties.

Options 1 and 2 will be fully explored first before applications are considered from various groups.