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Minister Hayes launches Transparency International Ireland Report

Commenting at the launch of the report, the Minister remarked “I welcome this review of our National Integrity Systems and I particularly welcome the recognition afforded to progress in the introduction of whistleblower protection legislation, the regulation of lobbying, the restoration and extension of Freedom of Information and reform of ethics legislation.”

The Minister also noted that the Ombudsman Amendment Bill was passed on Tuesday 23 October by the Dail securing the most significant extension in the Ombudsman’s remit since the Office was first established over thirty years ago, as well as putting in place the legislative infrastructure to further strengthen the key relationship between the Ombudsman and the Houses of the Oireachtas and congratulated Minister Howlin and the Ombudsman on this success.

Despite such achievements, the Minister noted that “challenges remain”, including

the persisting low level of public trust in politicians and the political system

the view that corruption remains a major problem in Ireland; and

the entrenched perception that a dual standard is applied by the criminal justice system, in the case of white-collar crime – the term impunity is used in the report.

He continued saying it is encouraging to note that we are “maintaining a strong sense of social cohesion” and that this can be sustained by ongoing progress in

reforming our State institutions;

by rebuilding trust in our political and administrative system;

by carefully assessing and then acting on the measures that will combat the main sources of risk of corruption in our society - including what is characterised by TI as “legal” corruption; and

by clearly demonstrating that no person or segment of our community is immune from being made accountable

He also said that it was vital “that the Government continue its momentum in meeting the commitments in the Programme for Government and the recommendations and actions under the Public Service Reform Plan.”