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Minister Hogan announces €5.8m new Library Programme

Mr. Phil Hogan, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government today (19 July, 2011) announced €5.8 million new Capital Programme for libraries.

The new Capital Programme will provide a range of facilities for the Local Library service including new and refurbished premises as well as mobile libraries and envisages up to €4.8 million being spent on the development of libraries in 2011. This is in addition to the €1 million being distributed for the purchase of new stock for libraries this year.

The Minister expressed his delight at being able to announce the new programme:  ‘Investment in libraries is money well spent that will yield a huge dividend in the years to come in terms of personal and community development for people of all ages and backgrounds‘.  The Minister  noted that visitors to libraries throughout the country are attending in ever increasing numbers.  In the last couple of years we have seen much evidence of very significant increases in library usage, with upwards of 16 million visits in 2010.

"Libraries contain a wide variety of training facilities, specifically ICT and language training. These are particularly beneficial for people in the jobs market.  The availability of internet access and wifi are also very useful tools for library users," added the Minister.

In conclusion, the Minister thanked all those who had contributed to the new Library Capital Programme. He particularly wished to thank the staff of every local library for their professionalism, dedication and enthusiasm which, he noted, greatly enhanced ‘the quality of civic life in communities all across the country’.