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Minister Kelly announces Taxi Review Group membership and invites submissions for review of the taxi sector

Minister for Public & Commuter Transport, Alan Kelly, has today announced the membership of the Taxi review group. The review group was established as part of the programme for Government with a view to examining standards and practices in the taxi sector.

The review group will be comprised of the following:

· Minister of State Mr. Alan Kelly T.D., Chairman

· Mr Pat Byrne, Vice-Chairman (currently Chairman of Taxi Advisory Committee)

· Mr John Murphy, Assistant Secretary, Department of Transport

· Mr Brendan Callaghan, Principal Officer, Department of Justice, Equality and Defence

· Mr John Evans, Manager, Monopolies Division, The Competition Authority

· Chief Superintendent Gabriel McIntyre, National Traffic Corps, An Garda Síochána

· Superintendent Declan Brogan, Carriage Office, An Garda Síochána

· Mr Derek McGovern, taxi dispatch operator

· Mr Christy Humphreys, member of the Joint Taxi Council

· Mr Kevin Finn, taxi driver

· Ms Siobhán Barron, Director, National Disability Authority

· Ms Renee Dempsey, Chief Executive, Equality Authority

· Ms Kathleen Doyle, Director of Taxi Regulation, National Transport Authority

· Mr Tim O’Sullivan, Executive Manager, Roads & Traffic Department, Dublin City Council

"Every effort must be made to improve standards and give fair competition to those operating within the taxi sector," stated Minister Kelly.

The review group will meet as directed by the Minister and will report back within four months.

Interested parties are invited to make submissions on the review by the closing date of 27 July 2011. Submissions should either be posted or e-mailed to the following address or e-mail contact:

Taxi Review Secretariat

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Leeson Lane

Dublin 2.

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