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Minister launches major Taxi Review

Mr. Alan Kelly T.D., Minister for Public & Commuter Transport is to establish a new review group to clean-up the Irish Taxi sector.

The group, which will be chaired by Minister Kelly, will consist of Garda, consumer, driver, transport and other sectoral representatives and will explore all aspects of taxi regulation in Ireland.

Minister Kelly said: “The review will allow the clean-up of unacceptable practices in the sector, many of which were highlighted in RTE’s recent Prime Time Investigates programme on the sector”

“We have to eliminate fraud and illegal activity so that the majority of taxi drivers who do their jobs properly are not competing with rogue elements in the sector. We also have to make the public feel safe using taxis. This imitative has the full support of the Government and is a priority for completion,” added the Minister.

The group will come back with specific recommendations on licensing, enforcement, vehicle standards, supply issues in rural and urban areas and safe driver working hours. It is expected to take a three to four month period when the recommendations will be published.

The review follows a commitment in the programme for Government to update the regulation of taxis to ensure that taxi drivers are recognised as a key component of the public transport system and to provide for a forum for discussion between the regulatory authorities and taxi providers. The terms of reference of the review group are below.

On two key issues relating to the future of the taxi sector, controlling the supply and disqualifying drivers on the basis of a defined criminal record, the Minister will write to the Attorney General for legal clarifications on these matters.

“These issues involve very difficult legal questions. The Department will be preparing a legal submission for the AG’s office as part of this review and we will take the appropriate actions from there,” stated Minister Kelly.

As part of the terms of reference approved by the Government, the review will consider the following:

1. Whether the existing licensing system ensures an appropriate balance of the interests of consumers and drivers through an adequate supply of taxi services at reasonable cost to the consumer.

2. Compare or benchmark taxi services in Ireland and other comparable jurisdictions, to include the cost to consumers of taxi services and to consider how greater flexibility in price can be achieved.

3. The encouragement of professional SPSV drivers, who can be rewarded fairly for taxi services to consumers.

4. Whether any changes are necessary to existing regulatory policies or practices to secure appropriate standards in the supply of taxi services to passengers including persons with reduced mobility and disabled persons.

5. The enhancement of the roles and deployment of the National Transport Authority (NTA) and Gardaí in enforcing the licensing of taxi drivers and vehicles with a particular focus on the major role that Gardaí must play in association with the NTA.

6. The powers of authorised enforcement officers and the Gardaí, in particular, to detect penalise and prosecute persons in breach of regulations relating to driver and vehicle standards.

7. Enhanced systems to prevent persons with serious criminal convictions or who are engaging in suspected criminal activity, tax evasion or social welfare fraud from entering, or operating in, the taxi trade,

8. Taking account of the current NTA review of appropriate vehicle standards to assess appropriate vehicle standards to be pursued in future, as underpinned by robust NCT roadworthiness testing.

9. Examine procedure and practices for the renting and transfer of taxi licences and safeguards necessary in the interests of passenger safety and prevention of fraudulent and criminal behaviour.

10. The scope for ensuring that taxi drivers operate safe working hours through improved regulation and enforcement.

11. To recommend how best discussion between regulatory authorities and taxi providers can be facilitated taking account of the existing role and structure of the statutory Taxi Advisory Committee.

12. Any other matter relevant to the improvement of the quality and standards of taxi services in Ireland.

Minister Kelly confirmed that the Steering Group will oversee the necessary research and examination of the issues and will arrange for consultation with all stakeholders including the taxi sector. The membership includes:

· Minister of State Mr. Alan Kelly T.D.,, Chairman

· Pat Byrne, Vice - Chairman (currently Chairman of Taxi Advisory Committee)

· Three Representatives of the taxi sector

· Three representatives of the consumer interest including one representative of people with disabilities

· Department of Transport representative

· NTA representative

· Department of Justice representative

· Two An Garda Siochana representatives

· Local Authority representative

· Representative of Competition Authority