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Minister Lynch honoured to lead local Pieta House Walk

Minister of State with responsibility for Mental Health, Kathleen Lynch will once again lead the Cork “Darkness into Light Walk” organised by Pieta House this Saturday 12th May.

Pieta House was set up in 2006 and was the first centre in Ireland to specialise in the prevention of self-harm and suicide.

The walk will begin at the Band Field, Mardyke at 4 o’clock in the morning and follow a 5km route down Mardyke Road and onto Sunday’s Well Road.

Minister Lynch said she was both honoured and delighted to lend her support to the annual Darkness into Light Walk and having previously led the walk in 2011 promised those taking part that “it’s an experience which stays with you for a long time afterwards”.

“Tragically, there is not a community in Ireland today that has not been affected by the trauma and despair that surrounds suicide and self harm and the work of Pieta House is invaluable in helping both the individual and the families of those who have experience of self harm or suicide to help them get through their dark time” the Minister said.

Minister Lynch also called on people to support the eleven other locations which are holding similar walks on Saturday morning, the details of which are available on