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Minister McEntee Congratulates Winnsers of NDC Milk it for All it's Worth Competition

Speaking at the National Dairy Council’s Milk It For All It’s Worth competition, Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine congratulated the winners, the Portarlington Ladies Rugby Team.

The competition “Bring on the Pros” was open to secondary schools, colleges and sport clubs across the country, and offered a chance for teams and club members to be trained by a sports star and also to learn about the importance of diet as part of an exercise regime. Minister McEntee said it was “a very exciting initiative and provided a great opportunity for schools and clubs around the country”. The prize for the Portarlington team was a training session with Irish rugby star Rob Kearney.

Minister McEntee commended the NDC for their work in promoting Irish dairy products. The Milk It For All It’s Worth programme is co-funded by the European Union and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and it aims to highlight the role of milk and dairy in a physically active lifestyle. “Dairy foods are natural, healthy and nutritious and should form part of any well-balanced diet” said Minister McEntee