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Minister McGinley expresses confidence in Randox Teoranta’s commitment to create up to 130 jobs in Donegal by the end of 2015

Today, Tuesday 22nd October, 2013 Minister McGinley welcomed an announcement by Randox Teoranta that it has secured a multi-million euro deal with a leading healthcare distribution company in Mexico which will be worth €8million over the next two years. In particular, he expressed his delight at the creation of 30 new jobs in production and logistics at the Dungloe facility.

As far back as September 2011, the Minister commended Randox Teoranta’s long term commitment to Dungloe by purchasing the building that it leased at the time from Údarás na Gaeltachta. To date, Randox has invested €8 million in the Dungloe facility with assistance from Údarás na Gaeltachta. The Minister said that “this recent announcement further endorsed the commitment by Randox Teoranta and the long term viability of this enterprise as a real success story for Donegal, and expressed his confidence that Randox Teoranta would fulfil their expectation to increase the Dungloe facility workforce to 130 by the end of 2015”.