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Minister of State Creighton supports strong EU stance on Iran

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton T.D., today gave Ireland’s full support to the EU’s strong stance on Iran’s nuclear programme and the recent attack on the British Embassy in Tehran. Speaking at the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, the Minister said: 

"I strongly agree with the EU’s decision to broaden existing sanctions against Iran and consider further sanctions, while at the same time, continuing our efforts on a diplomatic solution to the nuclear issue. I, like others, was appalled by the attack on the British Embassy in Tehran and join in the EU’s condemnation of these actions". 

The Minister also expressed Ireland’s support for additional EU sanctions against the Syrian Government, including the listing of additional people and entities that are involved in the violence or directly supporting the regime. The Minister said: 

"I fully support our statement on Syria today which sends out a number of important messages, not least that there is a heavy price to be paid for continued association with the regime". 

In a discussion amongst Foreign Ministers on the Western Balkans region, the Minister said: 

"We see EU accession as the only means of achieving stability and prosperity in the Western Balkans." 

Turning to relations between Serbia and Kosovo, and Serbia’s application for EU candidate status, the Minister said: 

"The Belgrade/Pristina dialogue is more urgent than ever and we very much welcome the EU’s efforts to put this back on track. Hopefully, there will be sufficient progress in this dialogue to enable the European Council next week to reach a positive view of Serbia’s application for candidate status, taking into account the enormous progress made by Serbia over the past year".