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Minister of State for Defence, Mr. Paul Kehoe, T.D. Addressed Biennial Delegate Conference of RACO

The Minister of State for Defence Mr Paul Kehoe, T.D., today (Wednesday 30


November) addressed the Biennial Delegate Conference of the Representative Association for Commissioned Officers, (RACO) at Fota Island Hotel, Cork.

Speaking at the Conference Minister Kehoe commended the "professionalism and the overall capability of our Defence Forces [which] today it stands as a beacon for effective public sector reform and of the values associated with public service". The Minister referred to the significant contribution which the Irish Defence Force is making to the public sector reform agenda and defence capability development and commented "that it is fully accepted that uniquely within the public sector, this transformation, and modernisation was delivered on the civil and military side from within the Defence Organisation’s existing resource envelope without any recourse to additional Exchequer funding".

He commented on the fact that Government has announced important building blocks in their strategy for economic recovery, namely, the Revised Capital Expenditure Programme and Public Service Reform Plans and "that these will provide for a new leaner, better and smarter public service, better equipped to deliver the services required by our people". He stated that "the Comprehensive Review of Expenditure is to identify the options available for significant cost cutting across the public sector in a manner which retains and supports prioritised public services". It is nearing completion and "will also determine the future resource envelope available for Defence".

The Minister stated that "the implementation of the Croke Park Agreement is "an enabler of change and modernisation in the public service" and commended RACO for what has already been achieved and called on them to redouble their efforts so as "to ensure continued and expeditious progress on the modernisation and transformation programme".

Commenting on the current re-organisation of the Defence Forces he stated that the objective of the Minister for Defence in the re-organisation of the Defence Forces "is to ensure that there are sufficient frontline personnel properly supported so that the Defence Forces can continue to meet all its obligations at home and overseas". He mentioned that the Defence Forces has continually put to the fore the need to prioritise, putting emphasis on delivery of services and that in the current environment, the need for continued innovation and economy has never been clearer.

The Minister concluded by wishing the delegates every success with the remainder of the conference and he said that he looked forward to working with the Association into the future.