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Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring, today attended the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council in Brussels

EU Sport Ministers debated the challenges in the fight against doping in sport.  Anti-doping is one of the priority themes included in the first EU Work Plan on Sport for 2011-2014.  Other priorities in the EU Work Plan include the integrity of sport and promotion of good governance; and the social values of sport, in particular health, social inclusion, education and volunteering.  Expert Groups were established to develop ideas and proposals in these priority areas and Ireland is active on each of these groups.  The results of the work of some of these Expert Groups are expected during Ireland’s Presidency of the EU Council next year.

As Ireland’s Presidency approaches, Minister Ring was also invited to attend the high-level EU Structured Dialogue on Sport before the Council meeting.  This process brings together leading representatives of the EU public authorities and the sports movement to exchange views.  Sports organisations in attendance included the International and European Olympic Committees, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), EU Athletes and the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO).

Minister Ring said “The EU Sport Council provided an opportunity for further constructive engagement with my colleagues in other Member States on topical sport issues at EU and national levels.   This is important in deciding the sport focus of our Presidency of the EU Council next January."