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Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with responsibility for forestry, Tom Hayes, TD, presented the Third Level Student Wood Awards for 2013 this evening at a ceremony in the National Botanic Gardens.

The Awards, organised by the Wood Marketing Federation in conjunction with Wood-NI, recognise the outstanding efforts of students of architecture, engineering and design who specialise in working with timber in Ireland. The Awards are made in respect of the use of wood in three categories: Architecture, Engineering in construction and Innovative use of timber in design.

Speaking at the event, Minister of State Hayes noted that, for students, “These Awards are an opportunity to display their skill and talents at an early stage in their careers and I am sure give students a great confidence boost to further develop their talents. I understand many previous Award winners have gone on to exhibit their work at national and international shows and to forge successful careers in their chosen fields.”

The Minister of State congratulated this year’s winners and commented “It is fitting that the work of students is recognised by the Irish forestry sector not just because of the quality of their output, but because it serves to highlight Irish expertise and represents an investment in the future of the Irish forestry industry. The students who participated in this year’s competition will, I trust, go on to enjoy successful careers in their fields and continue to display the creative use of Irish timber in their future work.”

The Minister also thanked the Wood Marketing Federation and Wood-NI for their work in organising the event and Coillte Teoranta for its continued support of the Third Level Student Wood Awards