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Minister of State Lynch marks World Suicide Prevention Day

Help is available for people who are feeling suicidal

or families and friends who have concerns about someone

On World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September), the Minister for State with responsibility for Disability, Equality, Mental Health and Older People, Kathleen Lynch TD, said that “deaths by suicide are a concern for all of us and our challenge is to reduce suicide rates. On World Suicide Prevention Day, I want to acknowledge the tremendous work being carried out by the many individuals, voluntary and statutory agencies in providing services for those who may be experiencing a personal crisis or those who may have lost a loved one to suicide.”

Last week, Minister Lynch launched the publication of three reports relating to suicide:

· National Office for Suicide Prevention Annual Report 2012

· National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) National Registry of Deliberate Self Harm Annual Report 2012

· The Second Report of the Suicide Support and Information System

Leading up to today and in the days to come, there are many events around the country to mark World Suicide Prevention Day, including: conferences, county planning groups, support group meetings, 5k “run, walk and talk” and training workshops.

Minister Lynch commented “It is important that we work together and link our resources in an effort to tackle this serious issue and create an environment that is enabling rather than disabling for people in distress and where professionals, service users and carers can all work together to utilise resources and assist people in their own recovery”.

Minister Lynch concluded by saying “There is help available for people who are feeling suicidal and for families or friends who are concerned about someone. There are a range of services available in the area of suicide prevention as well as support in the aftermath of a suicide. People, who feel they are in crisis for whatever reason, need to know they are not alone. Help, advice and support is available to you.”

A list of some of the events happening around the country and a list of some of the services available for those who need help are included below.

Where to go for help

· GP

· Hospital Emergency Departments

· Local HSE mental health service

There are a number of local and national helplines;

· 1 Life

· Samaritans 1850 609090

· Console 1800 201890

· Aware 1890 303302

· Teenline

· LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender) Helpline

· Childline

· HSE Rural Helplines

Young People like to use Social Networking Sites

· SpunOut

· Headstrong

· Turn2Me

Voluntary Organisations also provide a range of supports

· Pieta House 01-6010000

· Console

· BeLonG To

· Bodywhys

· Suicide or Survive (SOS)


Dates for the Diary

Date Location Subject

10/09/2013 The Suicide Prevention Office, Mid West Mental Health Promotion Suicide Awareness Training workshop for service providers caring for older people on Tuesday 10th September.

11/09/2013 Console House, 68 Ardpatrick Road Open Suicide Bereavement Support Group

11 & 12/09/2013 The Suicide Prevention Office, Mid West ASIST workshop for members of the Thurles community

14/09/2013 Waterford City Memorial cycle will take place from Waterford City to Tramore

10/09/2013 City Hall, Kilkenny Hosted by Mayor Martin Brett and will comprise of an overview of the planning work for the County Plan, an introduction to the County Kilkenny Suicide Prevention Forum by the newly elected chair and an inter faith reflection with music, concluding with a lighting of the WSPD candle by Mayor of Kilkenny and Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council. The working title is ‘Marking World Suicide Prevention Day 2013 in Kilkenny’

Console, Wexford Raise awareness of the service along with highlighting other services and information relating to suicide prevention.

10/09/2013 Lifeline, Kilkenny Various Events relating to the development of a county suicide prevention plan

10/09/2013 Turn2Me Offering 24hour professionally facilitated support groups

10/09/2013 HSE Midlands Ecumenical Services of Remembrance and Hope will take place on 10th September at 7.30pm in Tullamore and Mullingar. These Services will be an opportunity to provide support for suicide prevention and also remembering those who have died by suicide and supporting their families, relatives and friends.

14/09/2013 Console, Phoenix Park THE CONSOLE 5km 'RUN, WALK & TALK' 2013 Phoenix Park, Dublin Saturday 14th September @ 10am

18/09/2013 HSE Midlands Co. Longford Primary Health Care Project for Travellers have organised the staging of ‘Magpies on the Plyon’ an award winning powerful and emotional play addressing the issue of suicide in the travelling community written and performed by Michael Collins. The play will be followed by a facilitated panel discussion on mental health and suicide awareness in which the HSE Suicide Prevention Service will take part.

28/09/-05/10/13 HSE Midlands Several organisations have come together to organise a week long initiative with the aim of helping people in communities across Laois to improve their mental health and well being. These include HSE Midlands, Laois Community Forum, Laois Partnership, Laois Sports Partnership, Mental Health Ireland and Laois VEC. The week will also highlight the local and national professional supports and services that are available to everyone. A full programme of talk and events have been organised such as 'Dealing with Debt- Practical Advice and Peace of Mind' (New Beginning and Christy Kenneally); Stress in our Lives - How to Manage it'; (HSE Psychology Services); Developing our Self - Top Transformation Tip (Dr Eddie Murphy), etc. Walks, cookery demonstrations, dancing, laughter yoga are also offered. The event will be launched by Mary Kennedy RTE on 11th Sept.