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Minister of State McEntee launches Crann 25th Anniversary Publication

8 November 2011, National Botanic Gardens

Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with responsibility for forestry, today launched CRANN’s 25th Anniversary publication at the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin.

Speaking at the launch, the Minister of State said that CRANN, which is devoted to the promotion and protection of broadleaf trees, is to be congratulated on its 25th anniversary, which coincides with the UN International Year of the Forest.

The Minister commented that "CRANN has achieved a great deal through its programme of events and activities aimed at public education and awareness. This is an opportunity to look back and appreciate CRANN’s achievements to date."

Minister McEntee noted that the Forest Service of his Department has worked closely with CRANN over the years on a number of projects. In particular, the Minister praised CRANN’s School’s Programme, which since 2007 has helped children to learn about and appreciate the beauty and importance of trees while becoming involved in planting native trees in their school grounds.

The Minister acknowledged the contribution that the organisation has made to forestry promotion and awareness and looked forward to continuing that good working relationship and co-operation into the future.