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Minister of State McEntee presents the Eirgrid Euro-Toques Food Awards 2011

- Family Farms demonstrating innovation and entrepreneurial skills -

Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, today presented 5 farmers with the EirGrid Euro-Toques Food Awards 2011. He commended the recipients for demonstrating innovation and entrepreneurial skills in forming direct partnerships with local chefs.

The Minister said "The shorter farm to fork journey promoted by Euro-Toques forms a unique partnership between the producer and the chef. It places both parties in a privileged position to understand and cater for each others’ requirements, and so together to develop top quality products on one hand leading to the creation of really special food on the other". Congratulating farmers and chefs Minister McEntee said that the result "is great-tasting, locally sourced seasonal food on menus with the finest of flavours, textures and tastes. This is a win-win situation for all and is truly living out your organisation’s philosophy of "promoting local sourcing, protecting culinary heritage".

Minister McEntee commented that the only way to improve growth was through innovation and entrepreneurship. He recognised that "producers developing food products today had to wear their entrepreneurial hat to identify opportunities and find the right market. This year’s winners of the Food Awards demonstrated passion and dedication to traditional, quality Irish food. The bond of trust, credibility and mutual respect formed between the farmer and chef is an example to us all on how we can achieve excellence in the agri-food sector".