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Minister of State McEntee Urges Continued Vigilance as the Threat of Land Fires Increases

Shane McEntee T.D, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with responsibility for forestry has reminded forest owners, managers and the public that due to the current dry spell of weather, the risk of land and forest fires remains a very real threat.

Minister McEntee said “With the recent dry weather forecast to continue over the coming days, people across the country may be heading outdoors to take advantage of this, either this weekend or the following Easter weekend. I would urge anyone planning barbeques or camp fires, particularly in or near forests, to be extra careful and not to risk the uncontrolled spread of fires”.

During the May bank holiday of last year, Ireland saw some of the worst incidents of land fires ever recorded in the history of the State. Minister of State McEntee added “Many of the fires, which caused millions of Euro in damage last year, were started by the irresponsible and malicious actions of a small minority. Once again, I would call upon all rural dwellers to continue to be vigilant, to report any suspicious activity to the Gardai and to report any uncontrolled or unattended fires to the Fire Service. As well as protecting property, you may be helping the Gardai and Emergency Services to save lives”.