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Minister Perry leads 4-day trade mission of 40 Irish companies to the Czech Republic and Poland

Enterprise Ireland-led programme aimed a growing exports to Central and

Eastern Europe (CEE)

The Minister for Small Business, John Perry TD, will today [Monday] depart

on a four-day trade mission with 25 innovative Irish companies to the Czech

Republic and with 37 companies to Poland. Over the course of the four-day

programme organised by Enterprise Ireland, the Minister will attend 16

trade events, business meetings and corporate networking events in Prague

and Warsaw.



The objective of the trade mission is to raise Ireland’s profile with key

business and Government contacts in the region. The trade mission will seek

to promote the capabilities of Irish companies in the Engineering,

Electronics and Software sectors to multinational companies based in the

Czech Republic and Poland. Minister Perry will witness signings of

important contracts by 11 Irish companies with Czech and Polish companies,

and meet Irish business communities in both countries.


Companies travelling on the trade mission include high-growth start-ups and

medium-sized Irish companies in sectors including ICT, high-tech

manufacturing, construction and financial services.


Speaking before his departure, Minister Perry said:




‘Poland and the Czech Republic are key target markets for Irish companies

operating in the ICT, high-tech manufacturing, construction and financial

services sectors. As the economies in these markets continue to grow, so

too do the opportunities for Irish companies to deepen their involvement in

these markets and win new business.




‘At the heart of the Government’s plan for jobs and growth is an ambition

to create a powerful engine of indigenous enterprise. As part of the

transition to a new economy based on enterprise, innovation and exports,

this Government is actively supporting ambitious Irish companies seeking to

grow their exports and jobs. The ongoing programme of trade missions led by

Enterprise Ireland is a part of this plan. I am confident that through the

intensive series of meetings planned for the next four days, we will help

to open doors and capitalise on opportunities for these innovative and

ambitious companies, helping them grow their export sales and create and

sustain jobs in Ireland’.




With a population of 10.5m, and a large multinational industrial sector,

the Czech Republic is an important target market for Irish companies

targeting the automotive, engineering, electronics, ICT and business

services sectors. Many Irish companies have established a sales presence in

the Czech Republic and use it as a base to also target Slovakia, Hungary,

Romania and other CEE countries. Exports of Irish-owned companies to the

Czech Republic increased by 65% over the past five years to nearly €50m in

2012, while total exports from Ireland to Czech Republic exceed €600m.




Poland, with a population of 38m, is a Top Ten Export Destination for

Enterprise Ireland client companies, who exported €300m of goods and

services to this market in 2012. One of the few EU countries to avoid

recession, Poland saw GDP growth of 2% in 2012. Poland borders countries

with a combined population of 295m people, and is a key market access route

to Russia and the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). 30% of exports

from Ireland to Poland are from indigenous Irish companies across a range

of sectors and this growing market offers substantial opportunities to

Irish exporters.




Kevin Sherry, Enterprise Ireland’s Head of International Sales and

Partnering, who is accompanying Minister Perry on the trade mission, added:




‘Ireland is a source of world class products, services and technologies.

The Czech Republic and Poland provide real opportunities for innovative

Irish companies to forge partnerships where there is a clear win-win for

both sides.




‘This trade mission, and our extensive trade events programme, are part of

Enterprise Ireland’s concerted drive to support Irish companies seeking to

exploit new international business opportunities, target and win new

international customers and grow their sales. These activities are crucial

to helping companies build scale in growing export markets. Enterprise

Ireland will continue to work with Irish companies to ensure further

business successes will result from the trade mission – helping to sustain

and create much-needed jobs across every county in Ireland’.