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Minister Quinn congratulates more than 116,000 students on completion of exams

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., today congratulated more than 116,000 students following the completion of the State Examinations this week.

Minister Quinn said: "55,550 Leaving Certificate students, 57,732 Junior Certificate students and 3,245 Leaving Certificate Applied students have crossed the finish line in the State Exams and should be proud of their achievements."

The doors closed today (Fri 24th of June) at almost 4,750 examination centres countrywide after two and a half weeks of exams in 90 curricular subjects, including those at higher, ordinary and foundation levels.

The Minister paid tribute to the parents, teachers, supervisors and the State Exams Commission who ensured the smooth running of the exams this year.

"I’d like to congratulate every student, teacher, parent and all the other people across the country who provided support to students leading up to and during examination time for their hard work and commitment."

The Minister also urged young people to celebrate the end of the exams responsibly.

"Our students deserve to mark the end of their exams and I want to wish them well. But, I hope they will celebrate sensibly and responsibly with family and friends and not put themselves or others at any risk."

Results for the Leaving Certificate will be available on Wednesday the 17th of August, while the Junior Cert results will be published in mid September.