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Minister Quinn Congratulates WorldSkills Winners

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn TD congratulated the Irish Competitors on their success at the Worldskills Competition in London.

The WorldSkills competition recognises excellence in traditional apprenticeship skills and also high-technology skills such as electronics and service skill areas like cooking and beauty therapy.

The 11-strong Irish team won three gold medals and five medallions of excellence.

The Irish team was selected from the winners of the National Skills Competition Finals held in CIT and DIT from 4th to 8th April 2011.

The HEA, Institutes of Technology, FÁS, Colleges of Further Education and Fáilte Ireland, support the National Skills Competition and likewise Ireland’s participation in the WorldSkills Competition.

Minister Quinn said: "I want to warmly congratulate the Irish Worldskills Competition team on what is a very proud day for them, their families, trainers and, indeed, for Ireland.

""The team competed alongside the best in the world and they should be immensely proud of what they have achieved.

The Chairman of FÁS, Mr Michael Dempsey, praised the competitors for their dedication and hard work and stated that "Irish apprentices have long been recognised at home and abroad as some of the best in the world.

"These results and the results of previous World Skills competitions bear testimony to that high standard.

"I wish to extend my congratulations to all the talented young people that competed at this year’s competition."