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Minister Quinn publishes Review of Adult Literacy Provision

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., has today published a review of adult literacy provision.

The review was carried out in conjunction with Co Dublin VEC, now part of Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board.

It makes a series of recommendations on how to further develop and meet the current and future literacy needs of learners, employers and the Government.

Welcoming the review, Minister Quinn said: “Improving adult literacy levels is a priority for this Government. The value of adult basic education for families, communities and for our country cannot be under-estimated.”

The review addresses the level and nature of literacy provision, recommending more intensive options, group tuition, numeracy tuition, family literacy as well as distance and blended learning options.

There are also recommendations addressing areas such as assessment of learners, availability of accredited options and identifying learners including the unemployed as well as how to incorporate literacy provision within staff training.

As an initial step, the Adult Literacy Operational Guidelines will be revised to incorporate many of the recommendations.

“The upcoming establishment of SOLAS will provide strategic direction for the reforms of planning and delivery of further education and training,” the Minister said.

“A key element of this will be the production of a comprehensive five-year further education and training strategy that will include a comprehensive strategy for the provision of programmes aimed at promoting, developing and encouraging literacy and numeracy. The findings of this Report will be central to devising future policy in this area.”

Minister Quinn thanked the Project Team and the various adult literacy stakeholders that formed the Steering Committee for their work on the review.

The Review is now available on the Department’s website