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Minister Rabbitte announces budget details for Dep't of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources

The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte T.D. announced that the Budget provides for gross expenditure of some €437 million by his Department in 2012 of which €333 million is current and €104 million is capital. Capital expenditure in 2012 is estimated at about €120m when capital carryover of €15.8 million from 2011 is added.

Minister Rabbitte noted that the allocation for his Department reflected his policy priorities of promoting energy efficiency and targeted investment in improved communications infrastructure and skills: 

The Minister highlighted the following measures of particular importance: 

  • Provision of some €76 million (including an additional €13m carryover) supporting 4,500 direct and indirect jobs for energy efficiency measures under the Better Energy: Homes Scheme
  • Continued funding to assist in the implementation of the Affordable Energy Strategy through Better Energy: Warmer Homes
  • A continued commitment to incentivising energy efficiency in commercial and public sector organisations
  • Provision of €30 million for the communications programme to include the further phased rollout of 100mbs broadband to second level schools, and the rollout of the Rural Broadband Scheme which aims to serve the last 1% of the country not covered by any services
  • Some €3 million is provided for the Digital Switchover Programme, including provision to deliver a national community based digital switchover outreach programme

 Minister Rabbitte commented “I am specially pleased that the Government has approved the roll-out of high speed broadband to all the second level schools of the nation.  Over the coming years this initiative will make a considerable contribution to new teaching methods, boost learning opportunities for all students including those with learning difficulties and ultimately make a major contribution to competitiveness for the workforce of the future.”

The Minister noted that the exchequer provisions will be supplemented by significant additional public and private investment in the Energy and Technologies areas which will advance sustainable job creation and more generally assist Ireland’s competitiveness.