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Minister Rabbitte hosts Second Meeting of the Next Generation Broadband Taskforce

This afternoon marks the second plenary meeting of the Government’s Next Generation Broadband Taskforce (NGBT) which is chaired by Minister for Communications, Pat Rabbitte, T.D. and is made up of the CEOs of the main telecommunications companies operating in the Irish market. The task force was established to assist the Minister in formulating policy to facilitate investment in NGB infrastructure and accelerate the delivery of high speed broadband across Ireland.

The Minister said that working groups appointed by the Task Force have been working intensively over the summer, on a range of issues. He noted that industry is continuing to invest significantly in the telecommunications sector in Ireland. Commenting on this ongoing investment, the Minister said that we are entering into a significant period in terms of the roll out of high speed broadband in Ireland, particularly with the proposed auction of spectrum for high speed mobile broadband later this year, and investments by companies such as UPC who are already providing access to 100mbps services to approximately 500,000 households across Ireland. He noted also Eircom's recent announcement of its plans to invest in the roll out of fibre. These developments are welcome, particularly in the context of the government's commitment to drive bigger broadband to more places, as soon as possible.

The Task Force is considering a range of issues and work streams to help accelerate high speed broadband in Ireland. These include a review of existing spectrum policy; the role of consumers and businesses in driving demand; planning and development challenges and the identification of appropriate and deliverable targets for high speed broadband penetration.

Minister Rabbitte said today that he was pleased with the pace of work in the task force and looked forward to the group finalising its’ recommendations on the complex issues involved on schedule before the end of this year.