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Minister Rabbitte publishes Major Report on TV Viewing Methods in Ireland

Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte today published a Report on TV viewing methods in Ireland. The report, which was commissioned from Behaviour and Attitudes, surveyed 1,100 TV households. It provides an independent analysis of the status of TV viewing habits in Ireland, as of end November 2010.


The report was prepared to assist the Department of Communications plan for analogue switch off in Ireland. The report primarily focuses on TV viewers who rely on the analogue terrestrial TV network for their TV reception.


Key Findings


1. 16% of TV homes (c.254k households) rely solely on terrestrial television. 10% have access to the Irish TV channels (Irish terrestrial) only while 6% also have access to the UK channels (multi-terrestrial).

2. About 32% of TV homes (511k) have an outdoor aerial of some type so that many more TV viewers may use the terrestrial services on secondary TV sets in the home.

3. Only about one third of Irish terrestrial TV homes were aware of analogue switch off at the time the research was undertaken.

4. Rural areas throughout the country are most reliant on terrestrial TV with over two thirds of terrestrial TV households in rural areas.

5. Most terrestrial households (over two thirds) have indicated that they plan to opt for a free to air service post analogue switch-off rather than a pay TV service.


The report also provides useful information on the economic profile of TV households and on their media preferences and preferences for receiving information about analogue switch off.


Minister Rabbitte said, "The B&A report has highlighted a number of important factors which I intend to take account of in the programme for analogue switch off. My priority here is to ensure that the TV viewing public is given the information and assistance it needs to upgrade to digital in advance of analogue switch off. I will be discussing with my Government colleagues practical measures to assist in the switch over which, as was announced last autumn, is due to take place in Q4 2012.


"Digital Television will improve the television experience for TV viewers, with more channels, high-definition pictures, higher-quality sound, on-screen menus and digital teletext.


"More significantly for Ireland, the switch-off of the analogue network releases valuable spectrum which we can use for wireless broadband and new mobile services and to aid Ireland’s economic recovery. "


A copy of the report is available here



Note for Editors



Analogue Switch off (ASO) means the switching off of the terrestrial analogue TV network operated and owned by RTENL and providing subscription free TV reception if the Irish TV channels ( RTE 1, RTE2, TV3 and TG4) to those with an outdoor or indoor (rabbits ears) aerial.

The EC has provided that all European countries shall switch off their analogue TV services by the end of 2012.

ASO does not affect subscription TV services such as cable or satellite services so subscribers to UPC, Sky, Magnet, Casey cablevision etc will not need to upgrade to digital.

In October 2010, RTE launched its digital network "Saorview" to over 90% of the population on a pilot basis. The network currently offers reception of RTE 1, RTE 2, RV3, TG4 and RTE News Now.

RTE is launching the service nationally in Q2 2011. At this time there will be new RTE services available.

In upgrading to the Saorview service TV viewers will need to purchase a "Saorview" compatible television or set top box.

Saorview set top boxes are available for around €100.

With a view to informing the Minister on how best to navigate towards analogue switch off, Behaviour and Attitudes was requested to conduct a survey on TV viewing mechanisms in Ireland;

The aim of the survey was to provide independent information on the different types of TV viewing mechanisms used in Ireland to receive the national TV channels ( free to air analogue terrestrial or pay TV) and

To provide a demographic analysis of the information.

This survey was conducted in November 2010 and the final report was submitted to the Department at the end of December.

1,100 TV households from throughout the country were surveyed.

Given the technical nature of the queries a face to face survey was considered the best methodology to use.

Statistical accuracy was +/-3% at the 95% confidence level.