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Minister Ring announces a further special allocation for boxing clubs

Michael Ring, TD, Minister of State for Tourism & Sport, today (11th July 2014) announced a special grant of €975,000 to the Irish Amateur Boxing Association, primarily for boxing clubs.

Most of the allocation (€750,000) is to further extend the 2011 facilities initiative which was devised to improve boxing facilities and, in particular, facilities to accommodate female boxers.  A smaller portion of the allocation (€150,000) is to enable the IABA to purchase equipment for boxing clubs, while €75,000 is being provided for works at the National Stadium. The entire allocation will be administered by the Irish Amateur Boxing Association. 

In making the announcement the Minister said “This further allocation recognises the fact that some boxing clubs continue to operate in facilities which are in relatively poor condition and lack basic facilities. I am pleased that we continue to make progress in helping to ensure that young people joining boxing clubs will be able to train in decent, fit-for-purpose facilities.” 

“Under the initiative eligible clubs will be able to make improvements to facilities such as dressing rooms, showers, toilets and heating.  As well as ensuring that more young people have access to decent facilities and equipment, this allocation also further recognises the special place of boxing in Irish sport.”