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Minister Ring congratulates Team Ireland following homecoming

Minister of State for Tourism & Sport Michael Ring today congratulated Team Ireland’s athletes on one of the most prolific Irish Olympic performances ever.

The Minister was speaking at a homecoming event at Dublin’s Mansion house where thousands of high-spirited well- wishers braved the elements to welcome home their sporting heroes. Speaking after the event Minister Ring said: “I would like to welcome back Team Ireland and congratulate each and every member on the most successful Olympic games since 1956.

“Katie Taylor has won enormous respect from her fellow athletes in Ireland whilst receiving unprecedented international acclaim for clinching the gold and raising the profile of women’s boxing to unchartered heights.

“John Joe Nevin, who gave what can only be described as a technical master class in boxing when he beat the reigning World Champion, Alvarez Estrada, to claim his silver medal.

Minister Ring added: “My hearty congratulations also go out to bronze medal winners, Cian O’Connor, Michael Conlon and Paddy Barnes - the second Irish athlete to win two Olympic medals. Not forgetting Annalise Murphy and Rob Heffernan, who came tantalizingly close to securing medals.

“The Irish equestrian team which came fifth in the eventing, deserve a special mention in addition to all the other wonderful performances across many other events.”

“It’s a great honour to represent your country and to be an Olympian; it’s something you will remember for the rest of your lives. Irish sport would not be able to function without the huge number of volunteers who give so much time. You all deserve a special mention as none of this would be possible without you.”

Minister Ring concluded: “I would also like to pay tribute to the Irish fans who served as excellent ambassadors for the country during the games. The sheer volume of Irish flags and fans in full voice at many of the venues, lifted the spirits of all our athletes.”