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Minister Ring extends best wishes to Irish Transplant Games team

Minister of State for Tourism & Sport Michael Ring has extended his best wishes to the Irish team taking part in the 18th World Transplant Games in Gothenburg, Sweden.

"I would like to wish everyone associated with the Irish team every success. Their hard work in preparing for the Games and their determination to achieve their maximum potential is an inspiration to us all.

"Each of these 33 athletes, ranging in age from nine to over 70, can enter the competition with immense pride. This has involved a huge amount of preparation at an individual level. We can look forward to outstanding performances, enjoyable competition and a life-enhancing experience for all.

"The Irish team has enjoyed great success at previous World and European Games events, and has always received wonderful homecomings at Dublin airport from family and supporters. The team has also secured considerable positive coverage on the immeasurable benefits arising from organ donation and transplantation.

"This team will certainly prove to be great ambassadors for their country and will enhance the renowned reputation of Irish athletes throughout the world. 

"I would like to wish good luck to each and every member of the team."