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Minister Shatter meets with the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence Mr. Alan Shatter T.D. has travelled to Australia and New Zealand for St. Patricks Day and has met with both the Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard and the Prime Minister of New Zealand John Key.

Minister Shatter attended an event organised by the Lansdowne Club, an influential Irish business network which supports Irish businesses in Australia, on Friday where the Minister met with Prime Minister Julia Gillard. This event was also attended by 1,200 people including clients of the state agencies and high level political representatives at State and Federal levels.  

The Minister later on Friday met with Prime Minister John Key at a St Patrick’s Eve event in New Zealand attended by 320 people. During his meeting with Prime Minister Julia Gillard that morning and Prime Minister John Key that evening Minister Shatter spoke about a variety of issues that are important to Ireland. These included how the Irish economy has returned to growth and how our public finances are under control. The Minister also discussed the strengths of doing business in Ireland including Ireland’s strong and well supported entrepreneurial culture and the new changes to our visa regime which make it easier for entrepreneurs to invest or establish businesses here.  

In addition to these important meetings the Minister has also met with New South Wales Premier, Barry O’Farrell and other senior officials.

Speaking on Friday at the Lansdowne Club event the Minister said “Across Australia Irish communities are strong and vibrant and, through business networks like the Lansdowne Club, are working together to ensure that connections are made and opportunities harnessed. We are proud of the contribution the Irish diaspora have made to their adopted homelands across the world; just as we are proud of the diaspora’s ongoing commitment to and support for Ireland. This week we avail of the unique opportunity these ties give us to tell the world that Ireland is on the road to recovery.”

On Thursday the Minister met with New South Wales Minister for Justice and Attorney General, Greg Smith, and attended a flagship economic event in the Enterprise Ireland calendar, a business lunch with over 100 Enterprise Ireland clients.

The Minister at the Enterprise Ireland event on Thursday said “Despite the challenges of the global economy at the moment, we see 2012 as an exciting year for the already strong trading links that exist between our two countries.  As a Government we will support and facilitate those links.

As we watch the world go green this week, I would like you to reflect on one key message – the message which my colleagues and I are bringing with us around the globe – the message which our Embassies and our state agencies continue to highlight. There has never been a better time to invest – and benefit from – Ireland’s recovery.”

Today the Minster attended the St Patrick’s Day Parade in Auckland before attending a Fleadh and General Entertainment with an Irish theme. The Minister then went on to meet with the Minister for Defence Dr Jonathan Coleman. The Minister also attended the Honorary Consul’s St Patrick’s Day Reception which was attended by political and community leaders and the “greening” of the Sky Tower in Auckland.

Tomorrow the Minister will attend a reception hosted by the Lord Mayor and attended by State and City politicians along with parade organisers and sponsors in Sydney. The Minister will then attend the Sydney St Patrick’s Day Parade and Family Day events followed by an Australian Citizenship Event.

On Monday the Minster will travel to Melbourne and Canberra where the main focus of the Minister’s programme will be on meetings with key business contacts.

The Minister has an intensive schedule of events over the coming days which will focus on promoting trade and investment; reaching out to Irish communities across Australia and New Zealand; strengthening high level political links and highlighting the Government’s message that now is the time to invest in Ireland’s recovery.