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Minister Sherlock officially opens new extension at Baltydaniel National School

The Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock T.D., today officially opened the new extension at Baltydaniel NS, Mallow, Co. Cork.

Speaking at the school, Minister Sherlock expressed his gratitude to the school principal, the chairperson of the board of management, to the parish priest and school chaplain, and "to all the school community for giving me the honour of opening the facilities and unveiling a plaque to mark this great occasion for your school".

The Minister said: "The new facilities offer new opportunities to the pupils and teachers at the school, to extend and enrich the educational experience and supports available.''

The new extension includes the addition of new classrooms, learning support/resource rooms and staff room, and was funded through the Departments Devolved Grant Scheme. 

Minister Sherlock stated that "it is important to acknowledge the receipt of grants from the Department of Education and Skills over the past two years".

Minister Sherlock also commented on the tremendous efforts of all involved throughout the course of this project and stated that "It is a special day for teachers, pupils and parents here at Baltydaniel NS.''

The Minister highlighted the schools accomplishments in successfully gaining a number of green flags having attained Green School status in 2005. He wished them success in their continued efforts to achieve an 'Active School Flag' and commented that participation in such a venture "is not only topical but essential for a school where clearly the idea of a healthy mind in a healthy body is to the fore."

The Minister concluded by again congratulating everyone for their part in this project and thanking them for their kind invitation to attend.