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Minister Sherlock officially opens new extension at CBS Primary School, Mitchelstown

The Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock T.D., today opened the new extension at CBS Primary School, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork.

Speaking at the event, Minister Sherlock said that he was "delighted to be here today to perform the very pleasant duty of opening the new extension".

Funded under the Department of Education and Skills Devolved Funding Scheme, the new extension includes the addition of two new classrooms.

Minister Sherlock said that "this is a most important achievement for the school. It provides you with greatly enhanced facilities to pursue your many learning goals under the expert guidance of Ms. O’Callaghan and her staff."

The Minister noted during his speech, that this was not his first visit to the school, having visited last year to celebrate the schools second Green Flag and the launching of the schools first E-zine.

While unveiling the plaque, erected to mark the official opening of the new extension, the Minister congratulated all those involved, from the planning and design stages, right through to its construction.

Minister Sherlock also commented on the efforts of the parent’s council in raising additional funding, and commended them "for their part in organising the parish annual Christmas Raffle and a major concert with Michael English. Well done to you all!"

While at the school Minister Sherlock enjoyed entertainment provided by the children, with performances by the school choir, and the school band. The Minister also enjoyed a poetry recital and commented on the great ‘artistic diversity’ on display at the school.

"Congratulations, and thank you all once again. I wish you all a Happy Christmas and New Year, and every good wish for the future in your new facilities," concluded Minister Sherlock.