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Minister Sherlock officially opens new school for Educate Together in Midleton, Co. Cork

The Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock T.D., today officially opened Midleton Educate Together at its new site in Market Green.

The school now has five classrooms, three resource teaching rooms, a Secretary’s office, Principal’s office, storage and bathroom facilities.

The school has 135 pupils and a staff of 13.

Speaking at the event, Minister Sherlock said that: "These wonderful new facilities are another stepping stone of educational achievement in Midleton and its hinterland."

“The developments, funded by the Department of Education and Skills, will greatly improve the experience of pupils and teachers alike.”

Minister Sherlock thanked Dr. Vittorio Buffachi, Chairperson of the Board of Management, and the Principal of the school, Rhodri Mears, for "the invitation to celebrate this very important event in the history of this community."

He praised the school for their recent success at the BT Young Science Exhibition Awards in the RDS in Dublin.

“4th and 5th classes with their teacher, Aisling Beecham, represented the school with a very exciting science project and they were interviewed by RTE during their visit there.

“The school has also achieved the Discovery Science Award recently,” said the Minister.

The Minister concluded by saying "this is a proud day for the school community and a special day for teachers, pupils and parents."