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Minister Sherlock welcomes €130,000 partnership with Merck Millipore

Minister for Research and Innovation, Sean Sherlock TD, has welcomed the announcement of a new commercial partnership worth over €130,000 between CRANN, an internationally recognised nanoscience research institute, hosted by Trinity College Dublin, and the Cork based biotech and pharmaceutical company Merck Millipore, who employ over 400 people at their Carrigtwohill facility.

Speaking at the announcement Minister Sherlock said: "The partnership between Merck Millipore and CRANN illustrates how innovation investment is delivering real results, both nationally and locally. In this case, an Irish third level institution is helping an industry leader develop products and services, leading to growth in exports and the creation of high quality jobs in Ireland.

"This partnership between Merck Millipore and CRANN clearly illustrates how the research community here is acting as an innovation engine for companies based in Ireland. This type of research effort should ensure a healthy pipeline of new ideas towards the development of new, improved products. "


"The outcome of research partnerships such as these will be to make Ireland an even more attractive location for leading technology enterprises and can improve employment retention and generation. Initiatives such as these are playing a vital role in Ireland’s economic recovery. "


Minister Sherlock commented further on how Ireland’s recent rise up the international scientific standings has been noticed by the global business community and is a positive contributor to IDA Ireland’s capacity to attract new foreign direct investments to the country.

"The quality of our scientific research capacity speaks for itself with, for example, Ireland now ranked 8th globally in materials science. This research partnership reflects CRANN’s reputation as a leading international nanoscience centre, with the infrastructure and expertise to attract partnerships with multinational companies and key industry players."

CRANN is a predominantly Science Foundation Ireland funded Centre for Science, Engineering and Technology. CRANN now has over 250 researchers based across TCD, UCC and the Tyndall National Institute, Cork. Some of the funding for the CRANN – Merck Millipore partnership has been provided via Enterprise Ireland’s Innovation Partnership programme.

Nanoscience is the science of very small matter. It is particularly relevant to materials science which is key to further developing numerous industry sectors, such as the life sciences/pharmaceuticals and information and communications technology areas.