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Minister Varadkar and Minister Ring congratulate Michael McKillop on achieving second gold Paralympic medal

Following his remarkable success in the 800m on Saturday night Michael McKillop has further added to his gold medal glory this evening by cruising home to victory at the 1500m T37 Mens final in the Olympic Stadium.

Speaking after the event, Minister Varadkar said: "To win a gold medal is the dream of every Paralympian, but Michael’s achievement this evening is remarkable – winning his third Paralympic gold and doing so in such a convincing fashion."

"This is just the latest in a long line of triumphs for the Antrim man, who in addition to winning a Paralympic gold medal in Beijing in 2008, became the first male athlete to set a world record in London’s Olympic Stadium in May."

Minister of State for Sport, Michael Ring said: "Michael’s McKillop’s latest triumph is an extraordinary accomplishment and will no doubt motivate countless young people to participate in athletics. The extent of Michael’s talent, drive and determination cannot be overstated."

Minister Ring added: "Michael’s gold medal triumph has made his family, especially his father, Paddy who is his coach; his community and the whole Island extremely proud.  I wish Michael and the rest of Team Ireland every success in their future sporting careers."