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Minister Varadkar meets Indian business and education leaders to foster closer links with Ireland

Meetings in Kolkata today with business community, school representatives and Irish community, and attending Ireland world cup cricket match

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Leo Varadkar is today (Friday) marking the final day of his official visit to India by meeting a number of business leaders in the important city of Kolkata.

The Minister is using the final day of his official visit to foster closer ties between Ireland and Kolkata in the areas of business and education. He will meet with representatives of three schools and Indian universities, and in his capacity as Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport will attend the Ireland vs Netherlands World Cricket Cup match to be held in Kolkata.

Speaking today, the Minister said: “This is my first official visit abroad as Minister. I have used the opportunity to meet with important business, aviation, education and tourism interests and have explored the options for developing and strengthening the links between Ireland and India in these sectors.” 

“We are sending out a clear message that Ireland remains open for business. The Programme for National Recovery aims to strengthen co-operation and co-ordination with international partners like India. We aim to facilitate and promote the development of trade and exports and, among other things, promote Ireland as a world-class destination for business, tourism and education.”

“It’s fitting that my first official visit to India is concluding in Kolkata, as this city has the closest historical associations with Ireland.”

During his visit to Kolkata, the Minister will meet with business leaders along with representatives of three schools and Indian universities.

Irish administrators, religious and NGOs have contributed significantly over the last 250 years to the development of schools and hospitals in this city. Minister Varadkar will meet one such person today: Sr. Cyril Mooney, a Loreto nun who runs a school and other institutions for the poor. Sr. Cyril has been bestowed with a Padmi Shri (a high Indian honour very rarely bestowed on a foreigner).


The Minister concluded: “I am delighted to have visited India over these past days, particularly, now that Ireland has attracted more attention than ever before due to the performance of our cricket team.

“Equally, I hope that my visit to India will open the door to many new opportunities and foster a strengthened relationship for both our countries. And of course I wish the Irish cricket team every success in the match today."