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Minister welcomes successful outcome to proposals concerning an advance payment of the 2011 Single Farm Payment

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, today welcomed the news that the EU Commission is intending to propose that Member States be allowed to make advance payments of the 2011 Single Farm Payment, at a rate of 50%, with effect from 16 October 2001, subject to compliance with the usual regulatory obligations.

 "I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Commissioner for the very speedy response to the request of Ireland and other Member States, that provision be made for such an advance payment"

Concluding, the Minister acknowledged that the Commissioner’s proposal is subject to ratification in July by the relevant EU Management Committee, adding "given the widespread impact of the financial crisis and drought across the Union, I am confident that such support will be forthcoming".

the Minister said. "In raising this issue at a recent meeting of the Council of Ministers, my concern was that everything that could be done would be done to assist the farming community by making advance payments. In this regard cash flow is crucial, and I see the Single Farm Payment as central is achieving this" he added.