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Minister Andrew Doyle leads Irish delegation at Seafood Expo in Qingdao

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Andrew Doyle, concluded a series of political and promotional events in China, by leading the Irish delegation at the world’s largest Seafood Expo.

Speaking from Qingdao, Shandong Province, Minister Doyle said:

This Expo was an important opportunity to showcase the high quality and sustainability of Ireland’s seafood offering on a world stage. This is a key trade opportunity, with 14 Irish seafood companies participating under the Origin Green banner this year.

Minister Doyle spoke at the Expo’s opening ceremony, along with Vice-Minister for Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yu Kanzheng.

This was another useful opportunity to engage with Chinese counterparts on issues of trade and cooperation

Minister Doyle said:

This follows my participation at CIIE (China Import and Export Expo) in Shanghai, along with several leading Irish food companies.

The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation Heather Humphreys was the head of the Irish delegation at CIIE.

China is our third largest market for agri-food exports

Minister Doyle said.

Ongoing Government to Government, as well as Business to Business, engagement is essential to this export success.

Minister Doyle’s trade visit to Shanghai and Qingdao follow technical meetings at official level in Beijing, and the first agri-food trade mission led by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, to Indonesia and Malaysia last week.

In line with the market development theme of Food Wise 2025, accessing, developing and expanding key markets in Asia is a priority for my Department, working in collaboration with Bord Bia, the Irish Embassy network and the food industry

Minister Doyle concluded.