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Minister appoints Liam Herlihy as new Chairman of the Teagasc Authority

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, announced that he has appointed Mr. Liam Herlihy as the new Chairman of the Teagasc Authority.

Minister Creed said;

I am delighted to appoint Liam Herlihy to the post of Chairman of the Teagasc Authority. Liam brings a wealth of knowledge and extensive experience at a senior Board level to the role, which will greatly benefit Teagasc to successfully deliver on its mandate and mission objectives. I am confident that Liam will provide strong leadership to the Teagasc Authority in the years ahead.

Mr. Herlihy was Group Chairman of Glanbia Plc for over 7 years in the period to June 2015 and played a key role in the significant growth and development of the company. He was previously a Director of the Irish Dairy Board (now Ornua) and ICOS and was appointed Chairman of FBD Holdings in May 2017 having joined the Board in 2015.

Minister Creed went on to pay tribute to the outgoing Chairman, Noel Cawley.

Noel has given outstanding service to the Teagasc Authority serving two consecutive terms as Chairman. I very much appreciate Noel’s commitment and significant contribution in directing the work of the Authority during this period. His continued and effective leadership supported the delivery of organizational strategy and objectives over the past 10 years to the benefit of both Teagasc and the agri-food industry.

The Minister concluded

I wish Liam every success in his Chairmanship of the Teagasc Authority and in supporting Teagasc’s delivery of integrated research, advisory and training services to the agri-food industry and rural communities.

Note for Editors:

The appointment is for 5 years and follows a competitive process managed by the Public Appointments Service (PAS).
The 11 member Authority is appointed by the Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine and has representatives from the farming organisations, the food industry, the universities, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and Teagasc staff.