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Minister Brophy announces Irish Aid funding of over €3.6 million for Dublin civil society organisations

The Minister for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Mr. Colm Brophy, T.D., today announced funding of over €3.6 million for five Dublin-based organisations to implement development projects overseas. A Partnership with Africa, Aidlink, Christian Blind Mission Ireland, Irish League of Credit Unions Foundation and Proudly Made in Africa will receive grants from Irish Aid’s Civil Society Fund.


Announcing the funding, Minister Brophy said:

 I am very happy to confirm Irish Aid support to these five Dublin-based organisations for their work in tackling global poverty and delivering on the commitments in the Sustainable Development Goals.

 This funding will support a broad range of development projects.  More importantly, it will make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable communities across Sub-Saharan Africa. It will help people access education, especially young girls; increase rights for those living with disabilities; empower marginalised peoples to achieve their rights; improve human rights and governance and help people build sustainable livelihoods.

  • A Partnership with Africa, based in Dublin 12, will receive €750,000 over three years for a project in Ethiopia and Tanzania that aims to promote decent work, rights and dignity for local and migrant Domestic Workers.
  • Aidlink, based in Dublin 6W, will receive €1.14 million over three years for a project in Kenya focused on ensuring children, especially girls and those with disabilities, from the indigenous pastoralist Masai and Turkana communities attain a quality primary education that supports the achievement of healthy and fulfilling lives.
  • Christian Blind Mission Ireland, based in Dublin 1, will receive €740,000 over two years for their work in Kenya and Zimbabwe to increase access to rights and participation of people with disabilities.
  • Irish League of Credit Unions Foundation, based in Dublin 2, will receive €960,000 over three years for their work to support and strengthen the credit union movement in Sierra Leone.
  • Proudly Made in Africa, based in Dublin 1, will receive €70,000 for a project working with micro, small to medium sized producers in sub-Saharan Africa to support them reach international buyers and in marketing their products, thus supporting job creation locally. 



Notes to the Editor:

  • Ireland’s Overseas Development Assistance Programme is managed by the Development Cooperation and Africa Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs. For further information see


  • The Civil Society Fund (CSF) is the Department’s main development project funding scheme. It primarily supports Irish NGOs to carry out development projects overseas of between one and three years duration. A small number of international NGOs working on human rights are also invited to apply. The maximum available grant is €400,000 per annum.


  • The Dublin based organisations which have been approved for funding under the 2021 CSF are:  A Partnership with Africa, Aidlink, Christian Blind Mission Ireland, Irish League of Credit Unions Foundation, and Proudly Made in Africa.


  • Accountability for funding across all of Irish Aid programmes is of paramount importance. The Department of Foreign Affairs has robust controls, monitoring, follow-up and evaluation mechanisms in place to ensure high levels of transparency and accountability and that funds are disbursed as provided for in the relevant contracts.


  • All funding provided through the development cooperation programme adheres to a Grant Management Standard, which includes carrying out reviews as well as rigorous appraisals of applications, reports, evaluations and the submission of audited accounts by grant recipients.


  • The Grant Management Standard also includes ensuring that grantees meet the requirements of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Circular on Managing and Accountability of Grants from Exchequer Funds.