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Minister Bruton Welcomes Decision by Bord na gCon

The Minister for Education and Skills, Mr Richard Bruton TD, has today confirmed that an offer has been made to Bord na gCon to acquire the site of the former greyhound stadium at Harold’s Cross. Bord na gCon today accepted the offer made by the Department of Education and Skills, subject to the standard approvals required. The acquisition will also be subject to the satisfactory completion of the conveyancing process.

With regard to the future use of the site, it is intended to use the site for educational purposes, which will require a change to the current zoning.

The Department of Education and Skills is currently engaged in a review of demographics which will determine the extent of new school provision required nationwide. Our initial review of demographic growth in relevant school planning areas adjacent to this site indicate significant increases at both primary and post-primary levels which will require provision for additional school places. The exact configuration of schools to be provided on the Harold’s Cross site will be informed by the outcome of this demographic review.

This year, almost half a billion euro will be invested by the Department of Education and Skills in school building infrastructure across the country under the school building and modernisation programme.

Minister Bruton said:

“Under the Government’s Action Plan for Education, which aims to make Ireland the best Education and training system in Europe within a decade, we are investing hundreds of millions to provide thousands of new school places in state of the art facilities across the country. The offer to acquire the former Greyhound stadium site at Harold’s Cross has been made with a view to facilitating the development of additional school infrastructure in the South Dublin City area.”