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Minister Butler welcomes financial package to support students’ wellbeing and mental health in higher level institutions

Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler TD, has welcomed the announcement that Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD, has provided a comprehensive financial package of €5 million to support students’ wellbeing and mental health in higher level institutions.

Minister Butler said:

The need to provide additional mental health supports for students in higher level institutions is a priority recommendation contained in the Youth Mental Health Task Force report (2017). In addition, additional access to counselling supports and psychological interventions is a major priority under the new mental health policy ‘Sharing the Vision’. 

Many students find the transition from secondary school to third level very challenging.  For some it is their first time away from home, and while some adapt very quickly, this is not always the case.  Early access to mental health supports is vital, especially in the current climate, and can lead to more positive outcomes for students who are experiencing anxiety about starting or continuing their journey in Higher Education during this pandemic.”

Minister Butler concluded:

A key priority of the new mental health policy is to promote a whole-of-government approach to support our population’s mental health and this commitment from the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science is very welcome.