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Minister Byrne encourages people to participate in a public consultation on the new National Drugs Strategy

There is still time to inform the new National Drugs Strategy. The Department of Health would like to hear what service users, individuals, families, organisations and all members of our society think are the important issues to be considered in the new strategy before 18th October 2016.
The new National Drugs Strategy will set out Government policy from 2017 onwards in the areas of drug awareness and prevention, treatment of substance misuse and addiction, promoting rehabilitation and reducing the supply of illicit drugs.
Commenting on the consultation to date, Minister of State for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy Catherine Byrne TD said:
“We have already received a great response to the National Drugs Strategy public consultation and I encourage anyone who thinks they have something to contribute to do so by Tuesday 18th October. During this public consultation I have met with individuals whose lives have been adversely affected by drugs and alcohol misuse and have witnessed huge courage as they told their stories and voiced their concerns.”
Public Consultation
All views received during the public consultation will be collated in a report, which will be provided to the National Drugs Strategy Steering Committee to help inform the new National Drugs Strategy for 2017 onwards.

People can provide their feedback in one of the following ways:

Write: National Drugs Strategy, PO Box 12778, Glenageary, Co Dublin
Phone: Lo-Call Phone line 1890 10 00 53

Notes for Editors:
Government policy on tackling the drug problem is set out in the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016. The overall objective of the Strategy is to continue to tackle the harm caused to individuals and society by the misuse of drugs through a concerted focus on the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research.
A Steering Committee, chaired by former General Secretary of the INTO John Carr and with representatives from the Statutory, Community and Voluntary Sectors, has been established to advise on the development of a new National Drugs Strategy, which will cover the period from 2017 onwards.
A Rapid Expert Review of the National Drugs Strategy 2009 – 2016 is available at:
The Rapid Expert Review was designed to provide a top-level overview of the strategy to inform the work of the Steering Group tasked with developing the new strategy.