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Minister Catherine Martin welcomes the Fighting Words’ 100 Years Creative Writing Project for children and young people  

Catherine Martin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media has welcomed the development of the Fighting Words 100 Years Creative Writing Project, which focuses on the social and cultural aspects of children’s lives over a century, and how they compare to life now.


Minister Martin said:


I am delighted with the announcement by Fighting Words of their 100 Years Creative Writing Project. It is a great opportunity for children and young people to participate in this story-writing experience as part of the Decade of Centenaries Programme. By harnessing their imaginations, creative skills, history and ideas, our children and young people will capture the social and cultural aspects of children’s lives in Ireland in 1921 and how it might compare a century later.


I encourage all primary and secondary schools to register with Fighting Words and Fighting Words Northern Ireland to take part in this important project.

The Fighting Words 100 Years Creative WritingProject will see participating primary and secondary schools from across the island partake in joint workshops, where stories and ideas can be shared. The project will be delivered in Irish and English, and will see children and young people from a variety of backgrounds encouraged to bring their own rich and diverse histories, stories and cultural traditions to this initiative.

The new stories generated will be delivered in a number of formats including graphic fiction, film, film animation and podcast and will be published by Fighting Words with support from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.

Roddy Doyle, Fighting Words Co-founder and Chairman said:

This is a hugely exciting project and I’m really looking forward to seeing what the country’s young writers do with our big history.


Seán Love, Co-founder and Executive Director added that:

Young people always bring unexpected and intriguing ideas to our story-writing sessions at Fighting Words, and I’m certain this project will be no different.


Creative partnerships with galleries, museums, arts centres, libraries, film makers across the island, will engage citizens through the various forms of creative expression and will significantly enhance the project.


The 100 Years Creative WritingProject is an all-island initiative, with Fighting Words and Fighting Words Northern Ireland working together to engage stakeholders throughout the island. Building understanding and shared perspectives is a key underlying theme of the project.


The Project is supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023 Programme.







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