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Minister Colm Brophy invites applications for Irish Aid Civil Society Funding


Minister for Overseas Development Aid and the Diaspora, Colm Brophy T.D., today invited proposals for funding to the 2021 round of Irish Aid’s Civil Society Fund, which supports Irish NGOs in their overseas development work. Funding is available for projects of between one and three years in duration.


Inviting proposals, Minster Brophy said:


“I am delighted to open this call for proposals. Irish Aid’s Civil Society Fund supports vital work supporting the world’s most vulnerable people build better lives for themselves and their families. We can only do this thanks to the contributions of our NGO partners, a host of diverse organisations, united in service and support to those on the margins.  Their work is ever valuable, ever important.


“This year, especially, I am conscious that the pandemic has complicated the lives of people who were already vulnerable. I look forward to yet again receiving high quality applications for funding which will help us continue to address the needs of those furthest behind.”


An innovative measure allows organisations to submit funding proposals for humanitarian projects in protracted crisis.


Minister Brophy added:


“Working with civil society is at the heart of Irish Aid, something which the OECD highlighted in its most recent assessment of Ireland’s development programme, praising Irish Aid’s partnership approach. This year, I am piloting additional flexibilities, allowing consideration of proposals for humanitarian projects in what are called ‘protracted crises.’ I hope that this innovation will allow our partners help make sustainable improvements to the lives of the most vulnerable.”


The call for proposals to the 2021 Civil Society Fund opens today. The closing date for receipt of Eligibility Form is 5 October 2020.


Notifications of eligibility will issue in mid-October 2020, with applications forms to follow by email to eligible organisations. The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 8 January 2021.


Full information and relevant documentation is available