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Minister Colm Brophy opens call for Applications to the Civil Society Fund

Minister for Overseas Development Aid and the Diaspora, Colm Brophy T.D., today opened the call for applications to Irish Aid’s Civil Society Fund 2022 round. The Fund supports NGOs to carry out projects with a duration of 1 to 3 years in countries eligible for overseas development assistance.

Inviting applications, Minster Brophy said:

‘The Irish Aid Civil Society Fund supports NGOs who are working with some of the world’s most vulnerable people in over forty countries, making a real difference in the lives of those who most need a hand up.

I have seen how Irish Aid’s NGO partners have responded to the pandemic. I’d like to acknowledge the resilience of their teams in the face of adversity.  I’ve been struck by how they have innovated and adapted to rapidly changing and increasingly complex situations to ensure the safe continuation of programmes, working as ever to deliver for those furthest behind.’

Minister Brophy added:

‘Irish Aid’s strong partnership with civil society plays a key role in delivering Ireland’s development programme and to reaching the furthest behind first.

I look forward to receiving high quality applications to the 2022 Civil Society Fund, which will help us to reach the most vulnerable people and to build A Better World.’

The call for proposals to the 2022 Civil Society Fund opens today. The closing date for receipt of Eligibility Forms is 10 December 2021.

Notifications of eligibility will issue in mid-December 2021, with applications forms to follow by email to eligible organisations. The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 25 February 2022.

Full information and relevant documentation is available here


Press Office

30 November 2021


Notes to the Editors:

  • Ireland’s Overseas Development Assistance Programme is managed by the Development Cooperation and Africa Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs. For further information see
  • Ireland’s international development policy, ‘A Better World’, is guided by an overarching commitment to reaching the furthest behind first, with a focus on: prioritising gender equality, reducing humanitarian need, climate action, and strengthening governance. Further information can be found at
  • The Civil Society Fund (CSF) is the Department’s main development project funding scheme. It primarily supports Irish NGOs to carry out development projects overseas of between one and three years duration. A limited number of international NGOs working on human rights are also invited to apply. The total allocation for the fund in 2021 was €6.5m and the maximum available grant for successful applicants is €400,000.