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Minister Coveney announces funding of €1.85 million to Cork organisations  

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D., today announced €1.85 million in funding for three Cork based organisations to implement development projects overseas. Brighter Communities Worldwide, Serve in Solidarity and University College Cork will receive grants from Irish Aid’s Civil Society Fund.


Announcing the funding Minister Coveney remarked:

Civil society organisations play a key role in the development response globally. Throughout the pandemic, they have been to the fore in supporting vulnerable communities across the developing world and in delivering essential services.

I am pleased to see that three Cork-based organisations are contributing to that response. Today’s grant announcements will help them continue to play their own distinctive role in the fight against global poverty and to reaching the furthest behind first.


Brighter Communities Worldwide, based in Midleton, will receive €960,000 over three years for a project in Kenya to help women and girls to reach their full potential through access to improved health, education, and economic empowerment opportunities.

Serve in Solidarity, based in Blackrock, will receive €840,000 over three years to work with its partner organisation Young Africa to provide holistic Technical Vocational and Educational Training, including entrepreneurship and life skills training, to marginalised young people in Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

University College Cork will receive €50,000 to build the capacity of the Irish development workers of the future through volunteer student placements in developing countries.