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Minister Coveney meets with Ballymurphy families

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Simon Coveney, T.D., met with the families of those killed in Ballymurphy in 1971.

Following the meeting Minister Coveney said:

"I was glad to meet today with the families of some of those killed at Ballymurphy in 1971. It is very welcome that a fresh inquest will now go ahead in September 2018, after a long campaign by the Ballymurphy families for their right to establish the truth of what happened to their loved ones.  I want to acknowledge the tireless efforts of the Ballymurphy families in getting to this point. 

The Government has supported their campaign, including in 2015 in bringing forward the All-Party Dáil Motion, and will continue to stand in solidarity with the families. I hope that the inquest next year will provide the families with the answers that they are still seeking after forty six years."

Minister Coveney also said:

"There are many other victims' families that are also still seeking truth and justice, often decades after their loss. The Government supports the proposals made by the Lord Chief Justice last year to move forward with outstanding legacy inquests so that families will not have to wait any longer, and so that the obligation under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights for an effective investigation into all deaths is met.

The Government has urged all those with responsibilities in relation to legacy inquests to urgently move forward with implementing the Lord Chief Justice's proposals. This must be achieved in the period ahead.

The Government will also continue to engage with the British Government and the political parties to seek an urgent way forward with the establishment of the Stormont House Agreement legacy framework in a manner that will meet the legitimate needs and expectations of all victims and survivors and contribute to broader societal reconciliation as an integral part of the Peace Process."