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Minister Coveney Notes Dublin November Homeless Figures

The Minister for Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government Mr. Simon Coveney,T.D., today (8 December, 2016) noted the homeless figures for November which have been published by the Dublin Region Homeless Executive

24th – 30th October 21st – 27th November Difference
Homeless Adults 3,036 3,024 -12
Homeless Families 1,026 1,023 -3
Dependents 2,110 2,110 -


“Since Rebuilding Ireland was launched in July, we’ve made sustained efforts to deliver the plan’s objectives in relation to addressing homelessness. I have said that it will take time to turn the tide on homelessness for both families and individuals. Today’s figures are noted but are a stark reminder of the difficulties which we still face in dealing with homelessness ” added Minister Coveney.
Significant additional resources for tackling homeless are being delivered under Budget 2017 with an increase of almost 40% in the Exchequer allocation, from €70 million in 2016 to €98 million in 2017.
Rebuilding Ireland provides for early solutions to address the unacceptable level of families in emergency accommodation and to end the reliance on commercial hotels, except in very limited circumstances, by mid-2017.

“We will have more than 350 rapid delivery homes under construction or advancing by the end of this year. Multiple initiatives to bring vacant properties into use are underway with both the Housing Agency and local authorities and I will continue to work closely with all the NGOs, Stakeholders & State Agencies to deal with the homeless problem and together we will endeavour to build on today’s small improvement.” Ended Minister Coveney.


17,240 new social housing supports achieved in 2016 consisting of:
• 12,000 new HAP
• 1,000 new RAS
• 4,240 new units acquired (voids etc)