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Minister Coveney statement on homelessness

A number of measures have been undertaken in the past few weeks to provide accommodation for homeless people, including:

Three new facilities at a cost of €6.1m are up running and available. Two of three new facilities opened their doors on 9th December on Ellis Quay and Little Britain Street. The third one at Carman’s Hall, Francis Street opened after this date. 210 new additional emergency beds are being provided in Dublin city centre. This brings the overall total of emergency beds available in Dublin to more than 1,800.

A 40% increase in homeless funding from €70m in 2016 to €98m in 2017 will ensure that the increased demand for emergency homeless services is effectively addressed and will assist in supporting homeless households with long term housing solutions. In addition this year we will spend €1.2billion on social housing.

In 2017, we will provide funding to ensure that individuals and families will move out of emergency accommodation into longer-term housing. Last year approximately 2,700 families and individuals are estimated to have exited homelessness, higher than any previous year.

The Minister’s priority continues to be the provision of safe and suitable accommodation for homeless people.

The Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government will continue to work with the various agencies to pursue this agenda.

In relation to Apollo house, the Minister would encourage the representatives of the Home Sweet Home campaign to continue to engage with the Peter McVerry Trust and DCC with a view to making arrangements for the transition of people currently in Apollo House to alternative suitable accommodation with appropriate supports.